Sunday, 26 February 2012

My Astrology Predictions

There are very many people having astrology fascination and now a days it is a science provided you happened to get a reliable person in this field.  I am being one of the person by the grace of Lord Venkateswara.  I am proud to say this because I have cured and solved lot of people worries and showed them the way of successful life. I am narrating certain incidents in my following articles in the following days.

One of my friend is having two daughters and they are twins.  Both are very good looking and wealthy enough having own house and their father is Govt employee. Their age has come to 29 years and they have showed to lot of horoscope people and paid heavily to them. Both their daughter are employed yearning handsomely. One is an engineering college lecturer and another is a software engineer.

I met their father in one of my friend’s house and their father was crying with me as soon my friend introduced and told me I am very much dejected in my life and bla bla. My friend showed both of their Horoscope to me and I went through methodically after prying  Lord  Venkateswara.   

Their father asked both the daughters to come and meet me and it happened to be Sunday and both of them came with lot of anxiety and expectations and I can see their anguish in them.  Their mother and father said each of them born in the gap of 15 minutes.  I have told their youngest daughter that she fell in love with a boy and afraid of telling to their parents.  She started weeping and all their family were shocked to hear from me. Fortunately it is their own cousin and their family agreed to give marry to them. I have informed their father first you give marry to his youngest daughter and arranged for their marriage. Thereafter only the elder will get married and informed and whoever seen her in the last 12 days that will boy get married to his 1st daughter. I have also predicted that she will give birth firstly the child and the child will be daughter only. After their marriage they both will be at abroad and the kid will be born in foreign country only.

The lord’s mercy has come through me and one of the boy turned with their parents on the 11th day and fixed. The first daughter’s marriage held grandly in Redhill’s area and followed to their second daughter’s marriage in just 3 months of time. As per my prediction the same happened to their elder and their husband got jobs in London and went on gave birth to a female kid.

Now their entire family is having high gratitude on me and I only thank God Venkateswara who always help in my words and horoscope comes true.

I would like to solve as many as human problems if they have their horoscope with them and those who are interested can contact me to my email.
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